The power of tefillah Many people wonder why their tefillos should be answered. They know their sins and faults, and it’s hard for them to imagine that Hashem is interested...
The power of tefillah Many people wonder why their tefillos should be answered. They know their sins and faults, and it’s hard for them to imagine that Hashem is interested...
One of the most common areas of halacha which people have different customs is in regard to drinking cholov stam. What is cholov stam? How is cholov Yisroel made? Do...
Moshe and Aaron Remained Moshe and Aaron From Beginning To End There is a strange set of verses near the beginning of our parsha. After G-d charged Moshe and Aaron with...
Rav Tzvi Hirsch Kalischer (19th cen., Poland) famously proposed bringing sacrifices today (i.e., the 1860’s) even though there is no Temple standing. He brilliantly argues in his 1862 book, Derishas...
A famous Midrash tells that when G-d brought upon the Egyptians the second plague, the plague of frogs, he started by bringing just one single frog. The Egyptians tried to...
The commentaries on the Chumash find it difficult to understand why the exodus from Egypt had to be accomplished by means of a deception. Moshe Rabbeinu only requested three days...
Parashat Vaera begins with a series of promises that G-d tells Moshe to communicate to Beneh Yisrael in Egypt. One of these promises is “Ve’lakahti Etchem Li Le’am” – “I...
The Words Vaileh Shmos is an acronym for vchayav adam lhashlim haparsha shnayim mikra vechad targum-one is required to review the weekly Torah portion, twice with the language of the...
Redemption Begins When I Stop Tolerating the Lie Moses’ Early Years It is one of the most intriguing components of the Exodus story. The first leader of the Jewish people, who would...
INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 pound ground veal 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh flat leaf parsley 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1 large egg, beaten 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2...